International study to develop the next generation of Schema Therapy assessment instruments.

Research Team

Freideriki Carmen Mamali, MSc.

Freideriki Carmen Mamali currently pursues her doctoral studies as a PhD candidate within the Clinical Psychology department at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Her academic background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, Education, and Psychology from the University of Ioannina, Greece as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the European University of Cyprus. She furthered her education with a Research Master’s degree in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience, specializing in Psychopathology, from Maastricht University, the Netherlands.

In the context of this research project, she assumes the position of coordinator, overseeing its international coordination. Her investigation focuses on evaluating the psychometric attributes of of the revised Schema Therapy-related questionnaires. Furthermore, she will delve into examining the interrelationships among the three Schema Therapy-related constructs in cohorts exhibiting personality and dissociative symptomatology.

Prof. Dr. Arnoud Arntz

Prof. Dr. Marleen Rijkeboer

Dylan Molenaar, PhD.

Dylan Molenaar is an Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. His main research interests are psychometrics, measurement, latent variable models, and test theory. He has published on various topics related to psychometrics, including: measurement invariance, factor analysis, item response theory, and latent class modeling. This research has resulted in various international peer reviewed journal articles in psychometrics and statistics journals like ‘Psychometrika’, ‘Structural Equation Modeling’, ‘Multivariate Behavior Research’, and ‘British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology’. He is the recipient of the 2013 best dissertation award and the 2019 early career award by the Psychometric Society. He is associate editor of the journal “Psychometrika” and “Behavior Research Methods”, and member of the editorial boards of the journals “Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics”, “Intelligence”, and the “Psychological and Educational Measurement” section of the open access journal “Pysch”. See for his publication record.

In the context of this research project, Dylan Molenaar fulfills the role of a statistical and psychometric specialist, responsible for both supervising and actively contributing to the execution of complex statistical analyses.

Prof. Dr. Eunhee Lee

Eunhee Lee is a Professor in the Psychology department at Kyungnam University in South Korea. As a licensed counseling psychologist and supervisor, he has translated numerous Schema Therapy books, making them accessible to Korean readers. His research pursuits encompass dysfunctional parenting behaviours and bullying, the relationship between insecure attachment and early maladaptive schemas, and the exploration of schema modes. Additionally, he focuses on Schema Therapy intervention strategies tailored for high-risk youth, particularly those dealing with issues related to suicide and non-suicidal self-injurious behaviour.

Within this research project, Eunhee Lee assumes the position of the designated research coordinator in South Korea.

Géraldine Tapia, PhD.

Géraldine Tapia is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Bordeaux. Her research lies within the broader domain of cognitive psychopathology, with a specific focus on the cognitive and emotional mechanisms involved in the onset and chronicity of post-traumatic stress disorder. Her particular emphasis centers on the study of dissociative processes in this context.

Within this research project, Géraldine Tapia assumes the position of the designated research coordinator in France.

Ketevan Abdushelishvili, MD, PhD.

Ketevan Abdushelishvili is an Associate Professor in the School of Humanities and Social Science at Caucasus University. She holds a Medical Doctor degree and has been recognized as an accredited CBT therapist by the European Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapists since 2020. Additionally, she holds a position as a board member of the Georgian Association of CBT. Her research pursuits center around assessing the effectiveness of CBT in various mental health areas (e.g., anxiety and personality disorders), especially crisis interventions.

Within this research project, Ketevan Abdushelishvili assumes the position of the designated research coordinator in Georgia.

Alexandra Yaltonskaya, MD, PhD.

Alexandra Yaltonskaya, the Founder and Training Director at the Moscow Institute of Schema Therapy, holds a Medical Doctor degree in Psychiatry. She currently practices as a psychotherapist and coach in the Netherlands, specializing in CBT, Schema Therapy, and EMDR. Her expertise lies in treating chronic mood and anxiety disorders, personality disorders, and chronic post-traumatic stress disorder. Previously, from 2008 to 2021, she served as a senior researcher at the National Research Center for Psychiatry and Addiction in Russia. Among her areas of research interest are substance abuse prevention and investigating the efficacy of Schema Therapy in addressing personality disorders and various other chronic mental health conditions.

Within this research project, Alexandra Yaltonskaya assumes the position of the designated research coordinator in Russia.

Daniela Ho Tan, MSc.

Daniela Ho Tan is a Vietnamese-Australian Clinical Psychologist, Board Approved Supervisor and Advanced Accredited Schema Therapist. Daniela Ho Tan has experience across different areas including early intervention services for youth in low socioeconomic regions, online group therapy programs, eating disorder services and private practice. Currently, she runs her own private practice, Mindwealth Psychology. In addition, she is spearheading a research initiative, Project HoriZen, which endeavours to harmonise Western therapeutic principles with Eastern cultural values. Her areas of expertise include intergenerational and complex trauma, dissociative disorders, challenges related to attachment and relationships, personality disorders, and issues surrounding eating and body image.

Within this research project, Daniela Ho Tan assumes the position of one of the designated research coordinators in Australia.

Prof. Dr. Ralph Erich Schmidt

After graduating in law, Ralph Erich Schmidt studied psychology at the Universities of Zurich and Geneva in Switzerland. In Geneva, he obtained a Ph.D. in psychology and a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. He later attended the International Training Program in Schema Therapy in New York with Jeffrey E. Young. He currently holds a position of Adjunct Professor for Clinical Psychology at the University of Geneva and practices at the Psychiatric University Clinic of Zurich, where he mainly works with patients who suffer from chronic depression and posttraumatic stress disorder.

Within this research project, Ralph Erich Schmidt assumes the position of the designated research coordinator in Switzerland.

Prof. Dr. Dmitry Dyakov

Dmitry Dyakov holds the position of Professor at the Institute of Psychology at the Belarusian State Pedagogical University. With two decades of professional experience, he is accredited as a Therapist, supervisor, and trainer in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (EABCT) and Schema Therapy (ISST). Additionally, he is a member of the Belarusian Society of CBT. Currently, he is associated with the Belarusian State Pedagogical University, the Minsk CBT center, and the Belarusian Society of Psychologists.

Within this research project, Dmitry Dyakov assumes the position of the designated research coordinator in Belarus.

Marta Panzeri, PhD.

Marta Panzeri, a dynamic researcher in psychology affiliated with the Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization at Padua University, concurrently holds a position as a lecturer in the discipline of Psychology of Sexuality. As a licensed psychologist and psychotherapist, she actively engages in patient care within the University’s psychological services. Her research endeavors are primarily situated within the domain of human sexology, employing a methodologically diverse approach that encompasses both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to explore normative functioning. In addition, Marta has conducted in-depth investigations into Schema Therapy, delving into theoretical intricacies associated with emotional dysregulation. Her scholarly contributions extend to the domain of the Italian validation of the Schema Therapy Test. More recently, her scholarly pursuits have expanded to encompass the nuanced exploration of sexuality in the context of adults with autism.

Within this research project, Marta Panzeri assumes the position of the designated research coordinator in Italy.

Ilona Krone, PhD.

Ilona Krone earned her doctorate in clinical psychology from the State University of Latvia, embarking on her psychological journey in 2000. Her research focused on child-parent relationships and neuropsychology, with her findings showcased at prestigious events such as the World Congress of Psychology. Trained extensively in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) at esteemed institutions like Odyssea (International CBT Institute, Czech Republic), Ilona has been actively involved in practicing, teaching, and researching psychotherapy approaches since 2012. Her expertise was further acknowledged when she became a supervisor/trainer in schema therapy in 2019, a role she excels in. A key achievement in her career included co-founding the Baltic Schema Therapy Institute in 2020, where she currently serves as the training program director. Throughout her journey, she has provided steadfast support to colleagues worldwide. Dr. Krone’s impact on the field extends to her roles as a clinical psychologist at the Riga Psychiatry and Narcology Centre and the Maternity House of Riga. Additionally, as a lecturer at Rigas’s Stradins University, she integrates principles of CBT and Schema Therapy into her teachings for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students alike. Ilona’s commitment to advancing schema therapy is evident in her active participation in scientific databases, reflecting her dedication to fostering the growth and dissemination of knowledge and practice in this field.

Within this research project, Ilona Krone assumes the position of the designated research coordinator in Latvia.

Rocío Gómez Juanes, MD, PhD.

Rocío Gómez Juanes is an Associate Professor at UIB Medical School, holding a Medical Doctor degree from Complutense University of Madrid. She earned her doctorate from the University of the Balearic Islands and serves on its Ethics Committee for Clinical Research. Additionally, she specializes in Psychiatry at Son Espases University Hospital in Palma de Mallorca, focusing on the Personality Disorders Programme. She is part of the Mental Health Research Group collaborating in the Network of Preventive Activities and Health Promotion (Rediapp, Instituto Carlos III) and has contributed to national competitive projects. Her research centers on affective disorders, lifestyle’s impact on mental health, and Schema Therapy for personality disorders. She has received training at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York (USA) and University of Amsterdam (Netherlands). Lastly, Rocío has authored three articles in peer-reviewed journals and contributed four chapters to books within her scientific discipline.

Within this research project, Rocío Gómez Juanes assumes the position of the designated research coordinator in Spain.

Prof. Dr. Manjula Munivenkatappa

Dr. M. Manjula is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Department of Clinical Psychology, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, India. Her areas of research interest include: Cognitive behaviour therapies and third wave therapies across the anxiety, mood, stress and personality disorders; Schema therapy in personality disorders and stress and trauma related disorders; Process and outcome research in therapy; Mental health preventive and promotive interventions in youth. She has over 100 publications. She has guided about 22 M.Phil dissertations, and 17 PhD theses.

Within this research project, M. Manjula assumes the position of the designated research coordinator in India.

Prof. Dr. Dan J. Stein

Dan J. Stein is Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cape Town, and Director of the South African Medical Research Council’s Unit on Risk & Resilience in Mental Disorders. His training includes doctoral degrees in clinical neuroscience and in philosophy, and a post-doctoral fellowship in psychopharmacology. His work has focused on anxiety and related disorders, including obsessive-compulsive spectrum conditions and posttraumatic stress disorder, with research ranging from basic neuroscience through clinical research and on to public mental health. He has contributed to the field via collaboration (around Africa and the globe), mentorship (many past students are leaders in their field), and publication (google h-index > 180). His most recent volume is “Problems of Living: Perspectives from Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Cognitive-Affective Science”.

Within this research project, Dan J. Stein assumes the position of the designated research coordinator in South Africa.

Julija Gecaite-Stonciene, PhD.

Julija Gecaite-Stonciene is a certified Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness, and Schema Therapy. With over 10 years of practice, she has experience in various areas including mood and anxiety disorders, rehabilitation psychology, trauma-related disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, personality-related problems, and relationship difficulties. She graduated from Leiden University (The Netherlands) and completed her PhD in Biomedical Sciences at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LUHS). Her doctoral research examined the psychophysiology of stress and and its relationship with quality of life, fatigue, and mental distress in individuals with coronary artery disease. Her current research work at LUHS also includes the efficacy and practice of psychotherapy and supervision, as well as the interplay of clinical characteristics in individuals with depressive, anxiety, and personality disorders. Julija Gecaite-Stonciene is the author and co-author of more than 64 scientific publications, 27 of which have been published in scientific periodicals referenced in Clarivate Analytics databases in the last 5 years. Currently, she is a trainer and supervisor in LUHS post-graduate CBT and Mindfulness programs and a board member of the Lithuanian Mindfulness-Based Psychology Association and the Lithuanian CBT Association.

Within this research project, Julija Gecaite-Stonciene assumes the position of the designated research coordinator in Lithuania.